Karol: A Man Who Became Pope

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Only at times when man is faced with great difficulties you can see his or her true nature. Karol: A Man Who Became Pope starts its story during the period of the Germans reigning terror over the Polish and Jews and it is in these time when each good and bad side of human nature is manifested. Karol, who had witnessed the slow uprising and the imminent downfall of the Nazis, had also seen what their actions have caused them to question and doubt the existence of God. As the Germans have complete power and control over Germany and Poland since their supposed protectors have betrayed them for the Soviet Union, they now see polish and Jews as scum of the earth and should be removed from its roots. They are assigning Poland as not a country anymore and their culture is seen as already dead and due to the Nazis’ complete domination over them they cannot rule against it. The Germans showed their power through fear, killing every person that shows them disrespect or ordering massacres to minimize the Jews population. As the movie goes further, we can further see what man is when it is stripped off of …show more content…

This shows the fleeting faith of Tomasz, since Karol asks him several questions that he too begs for an answer to the Lord. But this doubt diminishes when he sees that a Nazi soldier who frequently seeks for absolution in Tomasz’ guidance leaves the command of Hans and helps Karol get to a hospital when he is hit by a car. By doing those things, it still shows the true consciousness of a person and that is to do what is good. Sadly his actions weren’t seen as moral as it was because he was later killed by Hans and Tomasz was killed too, blaming him for corrupting the soldier’s mind with such

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