KPMG Case Study

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The organization's history can be traced through the names of its principal founding members - whose initials form the name "KPMG." The history started in 1870 when William Barclay Peat joined an accounting firm and took it over. In 1917 Piet Klynveld opened his accounting firm in Amsterdam. In 1925, William Barclay Peat & Co. and Marwick Mitchell & Co. (a firm founded by James Marwick and Roger Mitchell in New York), merged to form Peat Marwick Mitchell & Company (later known simply as Peat Marwick).
In 1979 Klynveld Kraayenhof & Co. (Netherlands), McLintock Main Lafrentz (United Kingdom / United States) and Deutsche Treuhandgesellschaft (Germany) formed KMG (Klynveld Main Goerdeler) as a grouping of independent national practices …show more content…

In order for this standard to have a positive impact on the company which implemented it, it is essential that the owner of the business and the management personally have high ethical and behavioral standards. This will be a good example for the employees and will make them act similarly. These standards are useless if they are not communicated to company personnel. In small business, this communication is often informal. Big companies often prefer a code of conduct which is reinforced when is necessary. Usually, it is reinforced each year.
Establishing a strong culture considers, for example, how clearly and consistently ethical and behavioral standards are communicated and reinforced in practice. As such, culture is part of an organization’s control environment, but also includes elements of other components of internal control, such as policies and procedures, ease of access to information, and responsiveness to results of monitoring activities. Therefore culture is influenced by the control environment and other components of internal control, and vice …show more content…

This implies respect responsibilities, respect the legislation and a good stateliness to remain on top of the market as it is now. For this they have adapted to the Securities and Exchange Commission which required public companies to implement a code of ethics and statement of business practices as part of their system. This requirement were included in a Code of Corporate Governance and a code of Ethics, support mechanisms, integrity thermometer. But KPMG had a Code of Conduct before this requirement. They have also an Ethics and Compliance Hotline which is an anonymous reporting mechanism that facilitates reporting of possible illegal or unethical conduct under the circumstances). It can be accessed by clients, employees, firm partners, contractors, vendors and others in business with KPMG. They have launched in 2008 a supplier code of conduct with 10 core ethical principles across business conduct, labor conditions and human

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