Theory Of Organizational Culture

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The concept of organizational culture is one of the most debated topics for researchers and theorists. There is no one accepted definition of culture. People even said that it is hard to define culture and even more change it. It is considered a complex part of an organization although many have believed that culture influences employee behavior and organizational effectiveness (Kilmann, Saxton, & Serpa 1985; Marcoulides & Heck, 1993; Schein, 1985a, 1990). Ever since its conception as a concept, there have been varying definitions or theorists about it. There are differentiating perspectives as some define it as a single idea while others relate it to a set of values, meanings, norms and the like. The idea of Organizational culture was first …show more content…

This was divided into three parts in a circle wherein the outer layer is said to be easier to change while as it goes deeper, it becomes harder to control. These three layers are artifacts and symbol, espoused values, and assumptions. Artifacts and symbols are the visible elements in the organization such as the architecture and processes. These are also seen by external stakeholders of the organization. Espoused values are the standards and values of the organization. These are the internal goals that are shared by the people who work in the organization. Lastly are the basic assumptions which are rooted in the organization. This means that it is experienced and shared by everyone working under the organization that are hard to recognize and unconscious. (Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational Culture and Leadership. Jossey-Bass.) Schein (2006) also identified two levels from an outside perspective. First would be the visible elements which are the symbols, logo, business, work clothes, work environment, etc. which are apparent when one visits the organization. These are elements that could have been planned by the leaders of the organization on how they want it to be viewed by outside spectators The second element would be the invisible elements which include the language, stories, management style, values, attitudes, and standards of conducts. These develop over time through the history and the relationship of people in the

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