Justifying Abortion

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Justifying Abortion There are a few reasons for making abortion: in a case of rape, if the physical life of the mother is at risk and if the mother is on death row for execution. For fundamental Christian abortion can never be justified because according to their teachings God gave the law and he can never make compromises with his word, God's law is clear enough to show us the right way in the times of difficulties and in the time when we have to make a decision. According to their teaching, people have to learn to be free in a present of God and not without God - to be free from prejudice, to be free to take their responsibilities, to meet challenges of the life. This can make someone stronger, realising that God is with her in a time of sorrow. Abortion is a way of escaping responsibility, a way to hide a mistake but most of the time it has bad consequences - both mentally and physically. Pregnancies from a result of a rape require special consideration. Is the life of the mother at risk in these cases? Does killing the infant "unrape" the mother-a victim of a horrible crime? Is the child in these cases still fully human? So an abortion would make the mother withes the murder of her unborn child. She changes from being guilt-free victim of crime to being guilty of taking the life of her own, innocent child. This baby will have just as much of her genetic material as any child she will ever have. Rape is a terrible tragedy, and the church can and has stepped up to specially assist women in these situations, both through the pregnancy and in helping her decide either to raise the child or to make an adoption plan for him or her. We have to consider, can the life of the mother be truly at risk in an ongoing pregnancy-not just her emotional health, or the unpleasant disruption of her life circumstances, but her physical life? In other

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