Abortion: A Matter of Human Rights and Safety

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Abortion should be legal and accessible in the U.S. because of our human rights, a multitude of safety concerns, along with a wide range of individual circumstance. Foremost, abortion should not be made illegal on the basis of religion, as such is implied in the article the Ethics of Abortion. The separation of church and state has been implemented since 1802, when the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment were written.Therefore, it should be illegal to ban a medical procedure on the grounds of religion. Of course, religion comes into play when making personal medical decisions, and although there are blurred lines regarding family members or children, generally these decisions are made by oneself. …show more content…

So if somebody comes in and she says, ‘I want an abortion’, whether or not she is articulate about it, let alone whether she has a great story to tell isn’t the point. The point is that she has made this decision.” This deals with the issue of whether or not abortion should be made legal in extreme cases, “such as in the case of rape, incest, known deformity, or grave danger to the life of the mother.” Dr. Robinson has dealt with a tremendous amount of controversy and abuse for her job, yet continues, even puts her face and name on the documentary. As you learn from reading more and more of her interviews, most women who engage in late term pregnancies were not even aware of the pregnancy. Pregnancy tests are not 100% accurate, so someone could even take one and believe they’re not pregnant for months until retaking or seeking a physician. There are many other reasons why a women would not be menstruating such as weight, stress, physical health, or birth control, making it nearly impossible to assume one is pregnant if there is no cycle. In another case, a woman wasn’t able to get leave from the U.S. military to abort the pregnancy until she was …show more content…

Sometimes, this information cannot be found until the second or even third trimester, when the heart is closer to being fully developed. Therefore, primary and only criteria should be safety. The abortions are performed only if there is fetal anomaly and no clear risk of health problems for the mother. In one case, an 11 year old incest victim was assumed even with risks because Dr. Robinson knew if she had to transport the child to the hospital, physicians would understand and not petition to shut down the clinic. Another direct quote from an interview states, “if you compare abortion at any gestational age to childbirth, childbirth is significantly more likely to kill the mother than abortion”. Although this is not a full argument against the sanctity of life or whether one life is more valuable than another, it gives us something to think about in regards to the danger of childbirth. Linked to the reason that abortion should remain legal on the grounds of safety is that taking away the right to exercise pregnancy termination would not end it’s existence but rather cause serious health concerns. According to WHO (World

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