Juot Diaz's How To Date A Browngirl, Blackgirl

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In “How to Date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Halfie”, Junot Diaz describes how a teenage boy approaches romantic relationships and characterizes the girls based on their race and social class, instead of focusing on their individuality. The author also adds some sarcastic details to point out that a relationship should be built on trust, not massive lies. Juot Diaz successfully applies Gerard Genette’s theory of narratology while depicting his main theme on the impact of gender, race and social class towards one’s behavior towards others. In his narratology theory, Genette discusses different types of narrator. According to Genette,the narrators include covert character and overt character. Covert narrator is a character not clearly …show more content…

Frame narrative (primary narrative) comes first, while second narrative comes second and is embedded in the frame narrative. Genette also adds that the embedded narratives are called meta-narratives (Barry 227). In “How to Date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Halfie”, the frame narrative is when the boy lies to his mother that he is sick so he can stay home and get ready for his date (Diaz 97). Meta-narratives are the stories that happen after the frame narrative. One of those meta-narratives is Yunior’s plan for dinner. He maps out perfect dine out restaurants options based on the ethnicity: if the girl is from the local area, El Cibao is a perfect choice. If she is not, he would then take her to Wendy's. Their conversation is also dependent on the race and social class. Yunior plans to order food with his broken Spanish, hoping a Latina girl will correct him and the black girl will be amazed (Diaz 98). If his date is a halfie, Yunior will start talking about the Movement and wonder how their parents met. On the first date, people are supposed to ask questions to get to know each other, but Yunior tends to ask questions to joke around with the girls and have fun with their race. Another narrative embedded in the story is Yunior's plan to get the girls to have physical intimacy with him. He characterizes the girls based on their race by assuming that a local girl is tougher and she may …show more content…

Mimesis is defined as a technique that uses details to help audience visualize what happens, and diegesis is to describe directly what happens (Barry 223). In the story “How to Date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Halfie”, the basic narrative mode is mimetic because the audience is given details of the story to visualize what is going on. For example, after the teenage boy cleans up his apartment, he "shower, comb, dress. Sit on the couch and watch TV", a few minutes after, he "get up from the couch and check the parking lot" (Diaz 97-98). The author uses verbs and adjective to describe what the teenage boy does while waiting for the girl to come. Another area that Genette focuses on is the focalisation of the narrative. Focalisation includes internal focalisation - focusing on what the main character thinks and feels, and external focalisation - learning about the main character through observable action and speech (Barry 224). In “How to Date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Halfie”, external focalisation is applied because the focus is mainly on Yunior's action and speech. For example, when a White girl’s mother wants to meet Yunior, he is worried but tries to act cool by running a hand “through your hair like the whiteboys do even though the only thing that runs easily through your hair is Africa” (Diaz 97). The fact that Yunior runs his hand through his hair indicates that he is a little scared

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