Is Beowulf Truly A Hero

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Hero is a word used to describe individuals who profoundly impact those around them. Usually heroic acts receive praise and become valued throughout the town, but certain individuals who possess characteristics of heroism misuse them, those are the people who prove themselves to be questionable. Though Beowulf’s heroism can be argued, Beowulf proves to be more self-gratuitous than genuine. Physically strong, determined, and not to mention handsome, Beowulf appears to be the epitome of a hero, but the intentions behind his actions cause the reader to question his motives. His ego constantly goes to his head, just because he believes in his heritage they’re all meant to be warriors. In reality, Beowulf is using this as an excuse to rant …show more content…

They were for fame and not the townspeople. Which once again shows that the so-called “Giant-Slaying” Beowulf, isn’t anything more than a narcissist. Before the last battle, Beowulf claims how no man but he can defeat this beast. His self-centered opinions only defines what an anti-hero he is. No true hero nor warrior would ever leave his men behind. Which leads to the real question, “Is Beowulf truly a hero?” This is answered as Beowulf says his so lengthy speech. “No one else could do what I mean to, here, no man but me could hope to defeat this monster. No one Could try” (56). Check capitalization. He not only abandons his men, but he remains tangled in his own pride. Before he leaves, he enlightens the men on how all treasures will be his and his only, which exposes Beowulf’s true reason to fight the beast. “And this dragon’s treasure, his gold and everything in that tower will be mine Or war will sweep me to a bitter death.” (57). Ungrateful, ingenuine, anti-heroic, he’d die for pride but not for his men. Seduced by the want for fame, Beowulf never changes and dies in

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