Information Communication Technology

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ICT Part 3

Technology plays a major role in the world in which we live, Information Communication Technology (ICT) is an integral part of almost everyone’s life; be it at work, in education or socially. It is felt paramount that children are exposed to technology and are given the opportunity to develop the skills required.

Teaching staff should integrate technology effectively into their teaching to create an inclusive, innovative and exciting learning environment.

In this essay I intend to write an analytical account of the teaching and learning context of the learning resource I have developed, with the intention that it will assist in future developments I may undertake. I will also discuss how the use of the resource will contribute to effective learning. I will describe the process and how the resource was created. I intend to evaluate my own ability, performance and any new skills that I have acquired. In completing the design task I hope I will gain the skills to assist future developments for learning resources. I feel a good starting point for the essay is a brief discussion on how ICT is used in the primary classroom, and it’s potential for improving education of children. I will then examine effectiveness of using ICT in the classroom. The principle part of the essay I will examine the learning resource that I developed.

The term Information Technology is widely known throughout the world, whereas the term Information Communication Technology is mainly used in education. The QCA Schemes of Work for ICT offer the definition:

Information and communications technologies (ICT) are the computing and communications facilities and features that variously support teaching, learning and a ...

... middle of paper ... ICT skills

- Interactivity and participation levels

- Motivates and affects

- Multimedia and multisensory presentation

H.J. Smith et al (2005).

If I were to use the same game generator resource in the future I would aspire to make improvements, where possible. Having received feedback during the testing phase of the project I would make the answer to the question bigger and bolder, for pupils to clearly identify the answer. Adding pictures to provide a visual aid would also be an enhancement for pupils. I would also make a separate game for subtraction questions; this could then be used for advanced pupils to create a challenge. There is also the option of generating a game including numbers 1-10, and a game for numbers 1-20. If at all possible I would remove the ‘-2 Take’ icon from the bottom of the screen to prevent any confusion to the children.

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