Language Learning in Primary Schools

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Primary schools that introduce language learning at an earlier phase may do so for a number of purposes, but it is because of the benefits of learning a language at a younger age that this paper has chosen Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) as its target scheme of work. For the purpose of this assignment the focus language will be French (but the strategies to be discussed will apply to any MFL). The ideas within the scheme of work will be critically discussed as part of university experience, school practice and relevant research.

First and foremost, Jones and McLachlan (2009) argue that the acquisition of a new language within the classroom setting is best achieved when key linguistic competences such as, speaking, listening, writing and reading are interlinked to create a whole language experience (Jones and Coffey 2013; Kirsch 2008). Gardner (1983) researched into cognitive processes and suggested in his seminal theory that there is the existence of seven forms of intelligence, which are regularly targeted within the MFL lessons, such as kinaesthetic, visual, musical, intrapersonal, interpersonal, logical and verbal-linguistic learning (Goswami and Bryant 2007; Jones and Coffey 2013; White 2005). This suggests that if teachers provide opportunities for the pupils to access and participate in the learning, and make available ample opportunities for pupils to contribute their understanding (McCallum et al. 2000; Pachler et al. 2007) that children can be assessed using different assessment strategies suited to the learning style (LGfL 2011). As a result the scheme of work (Appendix 1) adopts a range of kinaesthetic, visual, audible learning strategies throughout and using a range of resources also allows assessment to consider the l...

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Wade, P. and Marshall, H., with O’Donnell, S. (2009) Primary Modern Foreign Languages Longitudinal Survey of Implementation of National Entitlement to Language Learning at Key Stage 2. RR 127. London: DCSF Publications.

White, I. (2005) The myth of Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences. Ioe Life, 9 (1)

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