Importance Of Feedback In Education

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"Learners Need Endless Feedback More Than They Need Endless Teaching" (Wiggins,2012) today students' need to have feedback when they are learning to assist them to reach their full portent. In today world, teachers need to give students more feedback and not just teach to students. Feedback, when done correctly, will assist students in learning from their mistakes and also will aid in students comprehending what they got wrong. When a teacher just gives a student the assignment back with only a grade or a mark to say they completed it, the teacher is missing a good moment to show the student what they did right and where they can have improved. By giving good, specific feedback to the student will tell them what they have accomplished and the …show more content…

The main reason that feedback might be not having a sufficient amount of time to give detail feedback to each student. Teachers only have so much time in the day to teach and to give students specific feedback can take time away from their teaching time. Another source for this is with large classroom there are both students who don't ask questions and then there are students who love to ask questions. With the student who doesn't ask questions or is quiet in class is can be hard can give them feedback. My motive to address the use of effective feedback is to increase the student engagement and staying on task behavior. My experiences with feedback are that it is easy to go the whole day without giving students feedback and only giving them a star to show they have completed their work. Also, feedback that is just if a student got a answer is correct or incorrect doesn't aid the student in learning where they went wrong and doesn't assist them in figuring out how to correct their errors. In my own experiences, I know that during most of my school life teacher just use generic feedback and don't tell me where I went wrong so I could figure out where I went wrong with my answers. When I'm in a cooperating teacher classroom and helping students, I try to use non- generic feedback when possible but I would like to know how to use it more effective which is why I decided to do my research project on using effective

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