Importance Of Code Of Conduct In Schools

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A code of conduct is a set of rules and responsibilities that are written for individuals to follow. The code of conduct is a guide for people to follow in order to sustain a stable atmosphere in the work area and at school. This set of rules helps people stay in control because it provides them with a safer environment around each other and easier for everybody to get along. It also helps keep in control the character of all the people so they can only be permitted to do certain things. Not only that, but it helps the customers and businesses be protected. With the code of conduct implemented the students, can also show different people how an organization can mediate all its employees and students in a safe environment at school. School would benefit from having a code in place, especially when it comes to keeping employees and students safe from behavioral …show more content…

It also helps the individuals communicate with each other and helps them debate any work ethics.Schools should have a code of conduct implemented in order to not be held liable for any incidents that happen during or after school

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