Hypertension Essay

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Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, is more often found in males than in females as age increases then reverses around the age of 65. There is about 67 million of American adults that have high blood pressure, which is 31 percent, that comes down to one in every three American adults (High Blood Pressure Facts, CDC.com). Hypertension is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood. Blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood your heart pumps and the amount of resistance to blood flow in your arteries. The more blood your heart pumps and the narrower your arteries, the higher your blood pressure (“What Is High Blood Pressure, NIH.com).

There are six different types of hypertension. These include primary or essential, secondary, malignant, isolated systolic, white coat or anxiety-induced hypertension, and resistant hypertension. Essential hypertension is the type of …show more content…

It affects one of the most important organs, the heart, but it also affects many other important organs in the body. Some of the organs affected by hypertension are the eyes, the kidneys, the heart, and the brain. There are a few different ways blood pressure affects the eyes. One way it affect them is when blood pressure rises, that can cause loss of visual clarity for a brief period of time but then returns to normal when blood pressure lowers. There are also more serious effects; it can lead to narrowing of the arteries and can result in complete blockage, which can cause loss of vision. Also, with it affecting the heart it can lead to some serious fatal problems such as heart failure. It leads to heart failure by making the heart work harder which increases the size of the heart. When left untreated, it will results into the left ventricle of the heart increasing in size, which will ultimately lead to congestive heart failure (Hypertension and Other Organs,

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