Humorous Wedding Speech: Conforming To The Classroom

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Good (whatever time it is) Ladies and Gentlemen of Congress, Thank you for your time to listen to what I have to say.
Today I stand in front of you all to talk about a subject that is near and dear to my heart. I believe strongly that people of all races, genders, sexualities, social backgrounds, how much money you have, whatever, should not make you feel ashamed of what you are or feel like you have to conform to society because you are different.
I have a cousin who is transgender she was born a boy but after 9 years of hiding that she wanted to be girl she came out to her mom. She was just starting high school and of course had P.E. first semester. It wasn’t that she was dreading the physical education part, it was the fact that she identified herself as girl but the coach thought it was best for her to change in the boy’s locker room. You know the place where guys change, the place that girls aren’t supposed to be. So after coming home and telling my aunt that they put her in the boy’s locker room and the way they treated her while she was changing. She claimed that they teased her for using “girly perfume”, called her many vulgar names, took her clothes, etcetera, etc. So, my aunt called the school …show more content…

That statement isn’t illogical whatsoever, it is contradicting. They claim that they don’t want a male that identifies himself as female in a girl’s locker room, yet they don’t want her in a boy’s locker room. So, they make them change in unisex bathrooms. They claim that it might make the females, uncomfortable for a “boy” to be in a room watching them getting undressed. They claim that it might be a lie for them to be pervasive and watch people get undressed but 9 times out of 10 it isn’t a lie. They ask “what’s so wrong about the bathroom?” there’s nothing wrong other than the fact that they feel ashamed that since they don’t conform to

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