Unveiling the Atrocities of Human Trafficking

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Human Trafficking & Sex Slavery
Human trafficking is the act of illegally transporting women, young girls and sometimes boys from one country to another for forced labour and sex exploitation. The process of human trafficking is recruit, harbor, obtain, exploit - often sold as object. Pimps, gangs, labor brokers, employers of domestic servants, small business owners, and large factory owners are just some of the “job” positions past convicted traffickers held. Though, not all of these jobs have been around since the 1400s, when human trafficking became prominent. Although human trafficking began in the 1400s , it was not well known until the early 1930s. During World War 2, Japan set up a horrifying and outrageous system where women throughout …show more content…

A “push” could be a conflict or natural disaster that changes the way economies can handle high-pressure situations like these. When the governments start to focus on fixing the current disaster or conflict it puts human trafficking and sex slavery on the backburner. Creating a short window of time for traffickers or those wanting to get into the industry to milk the chance for all its worth. Although, it gives them a shorter it motivates them to do more with the little time they have, resulting in more damage. Another major cause for human trafficking is poverty. Poverty is the state of being extremely poor. Enduring such poverty in an already less-fortunate third world country just adds to the vulnerability for abductions into trafficking. Not only does it add to the vulnerability but it adds to the level of desperateness of those at the poverty level for money. Those at the extreme poverty level would do almost anything to get help, even if that means selling yourself into sex circles. Since they are so terribly poor they do not have the proper education to know the strings attached to sex circles, they sell themselves without even looking back. Porn is a very prominent topic with older men and teenage boys all over the world. In porn women are seen as liking what is being “done to them”. This makes older men feel justified to kidnap, rape and then sell women into these …show more content…

Telling each other about how unfortunate it is that this happens and sending money indirectly to charities that promise your money will make a difference has played a very minimal part in whatever progress we have made in the past. Money is not the answer to all of the world’s crisis’, especially not this one. Instead of sending money we need to use our resources to locate the areas in which this problem is most intrusive and start sending help or setting up help hotlines near that area. My goal is to empower these women, children, to provide them with help, to give them a voice and a choice-and finally end slavery and exploitation once and for all. We can do this by educating young girls and boys on modern day slavery and trafficking and providing self-protective skills

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