How Women Argue Differently from Men

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How Women Argue Differently from Men

In order to discover how women argue differently from men we must first consider the basic differences in men and women before we can understand differences in the argumentation.

In today's society men and women are expected to act as equals. Women are expected to show strong, confident characteristics in order to maintain this appearance of equality. The more confident and in control a women appears to a man the more appealing she is. Men and women today are generally thought to be equal, even though statistics show that financially this is not so. The reality of this equality is that men and women are not always equal and they never can be. It is not that all women can't do the same things as men or better, it is that women and men have different feelings, emotions, they are built physically different and mature differently.

Males typically are larger and stronger than females, making them more suited to do certain tasks such as manual labor. This in turn has lead to stereotyping male and female careers. Though some ...

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