Analysis Of Sex Segregation At Work: Persistence And Change By Anastasia Prokos

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Sex Segregation in the Work Place In the article “Sex Segregation at Work: Persistence and Change” by Anastasia Prokos explores ideas around the challenges and reasons of sex segregation in the work place. She argues that even though the United States has made several steps in the right direction throughout our history, there is still “… women and men in the contemporary United States continue to be concentrated in different occupations, jobs, and industries” (Prokos 564). She is presenting this as a social problem that leads to stereotypes, discrimination, and unequal pay. The author explores some stereotypes based on what types of jobs are more women’s type of jobs or more manly jobs. Careers such as carpenters and truck drivers are all …show more content…

In class, we talked about how transgender people face many hardships today and are a highly discriminated group in America. In this article however, the author uses transgender men to prove a point. Prokos states that before the man transitioned, he was not treated as well in the work place when he identified as women. Discrimination can also be based on race, class, and cultural backgrounds of people rather than just discrimination based on …show more content…

The author took some ideas and commentary on other studies to use in her study to back up her arguments and the points she was trying to get across. She also relied heavily on statistics she aquired in the Current Population Survey. She used this information to pull up which jobs are more dominantly women, men, or those that are equal in gender in certain professions. She also used the survey to show that not only do women get paid less in male predominate jobs, but women also get paid less in jobs that are predominately women. Prokos most likely chose to use the survey to easily demonstrate the points she was making that covered a wide range of professions, and to see what the U.S. trends are in professions

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