How Did Martin Luther King Help Others Overcome Adversity?

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How did Martin Luther King help others overcome adversity? He taught people that violence does not always have to be used, standing up for what you believe, and love was always the right thing no matter what. And that love is a powerful thing Were going to refer to him by his nickname, M.L.K. He was a very hated man, things were tough for him. Segregation was very bad for African Americans in 1950. M.L.K helped others overcome adversity by… Breaking Laws that he thought was unfair. Showing kindness even though people hatted him. Violence was not in mind for him. Even though they used violence against his people. All he wanted to do is show people you can get threw things without being aggressive. And that he believed in love. According to google “M.L.K,was born in Atlanta,GA. He later graduated Booker T. Washington High School. He was 15 years old at the time. He then became a minister in his father's church, He was 18 years old. One year later he graduated from Morehouse College. M.L.K then entered Boston University for graduate studies. He then married Coretta Scott and settled in Montgomery Alabama. King had many Unsuccessful protest. But on December 10, 1964 Martin Luther King received the Nobel Peace Prize for his work. March 21, 1965 King led thousands of protesters 50 miles from Selma to Montgomery”. He then got arrested for that, So he started a campaign to end discrimination . …show more content…

The whites were treated first no matter what. Even for transportation if a white wanted to sit down and a black person was sitting there they would have to get up or get arrested for breaking the law. There were some Civil Rights Movement leaders who started protesting about these cruel situations. Also many whites feared African Americans due to our

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