My Hero: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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A hero is somebody who commits an act of remarkably bravery or who has shown an admirable quality such as great courage or strength of character. (Encarta, 2009) Joseph Campbell has come up with eight of his own characteristics of a hero. Joseph Campbell is known as a scholar of mythology. There are several people in our times that are considered a hero. Whether, these heroes are fictional or nonfiction, they all portray some kind of heroic abilities.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is one the most heroic figures of our time. According to Joseph Campbell's characteristics Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has a characteristic of a hero such as, a hero is usually someone from whom something has been taken or who feels there's something lacking in the normal experience available, or permitted, to members of his society. (The Power of Myth, 1998) Dr. Martin Luther King was a man who yearned for dignity and respect from those who followed him. Mr. King was an African- American who lived in society were he wasn't appreciated. In the time in which Mr. King was raised, there was a lot of race...

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