How Did Felix Albrecht Use Propaganda In Save The German Family

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At the peak of the country’s Great Depression in the 1930s, Germany needed a powerful leader to rise from the ashes. An emotional propaganda poster targeted towards women, “Save the German Family” created by Felix Albrecht in late 1931, assisted Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party’s rise to power during this time of despair.
The poster translated in english as, “Women! Millions of men without work. Millions of children without a future. Save the German Family. Vote Adolf Hitler!”. The words, as well as the image of the poster, evoked the emotion of what German families were going through at the time. Hitler and the Nazi party used this kind of propaganda as a campaign tactic to gain popularity in Germany.
Depicted in the poster, is an image of a German family, consisting of a father, a mother, and …show more content…

Generally, women did not have the final input in family decisions. The man of the family would direct the women and children, but with the man of the family being helpless, this poster would make people believe that it was up to the women to do something about their family situation. Seemingly, when German people would look at this poster, it would open their eyes and their heart. A major part of individuals heart is their family, so this created an emotional appeal to the people of Germany. With so many families in misery, they believed Adolf Hitler could be their only hope.
Adolf Hitler was considered a performer, a performer who appealed to all audiences. His speeches, although very dramatic, captured the people of Germany to view Hitler as a celebrity. German society looked up to Hitler and the Nazi party as their saviors. Hitler’s speeches were also uplifting, he promised a better Germany for its people who were in anguish. Hitler and the Nazi party’s uniformed appearance made their supporters feel a sense of order that could whip the country into

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