Maus Volume 1 Analysis

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The panel I have chosen from Maus Volume 1 by Art Spiegelman is located on page 33. I chose this panel because I think that it is a strong representation of how Spiegelman uses imagery when telling his story, of trying to survive as a Jew in Hitler’s Europe. This panel depicts a story being told to Vladek while on the train with some other fellow Jews. One of the fellow Jews is telling the adventure that his cousin endured while living in Germany. While he is telling his story we can strongly focus on the cartoons being shown behind the words in each scene.
We first see Spiegelman’s detailed cartoon when Vladek’s friend beings to say his story. He says, “It was very hard there for the Jews-terrible!” Although we can picture a lot from this statement being made, Spiegelman does not want us to do that. He shows us an exact picture of what he wants you, as the reader, to imagine. The background has a swastika while a mouse is holding a sign saying “I am a filthy Jew” as two cats who are known to be the Nazis, grin at him. The panel then goes on to other graphic images being shown. He then says, “Another fellow told us of a relative in Brandenberg- the police came to his house and no one heard again from him.” A reoccurring background that we see again is the swastika. In this scene we see a Jew being beaten by a Nazi and another Jew being captured by a Nazi. This cartoon shows the severity …show more content…

He begins and ends the scene by showing Vladek with other Jews. When the story is being told the background is consistently of a swastika and has very violent images. By Spiegleman doing this it is not allowing for our senses to wonder and create our own images. Spiegleman does this so that the story that he is trying to tell is not only detailed through its wording, but also by its images. It allows for us to grasp on to the concept stronger and truly relate with Vladek and the journey that he

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