Hitler's Failed Coup: The Weimar Government Rebellion

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On November 1923, Hitler decided that he must put an end to the Weimar Government. The government was involved with economic crisis. and the Stresemann had cancelled Germany’s allowance of the Ruhr. On November 8, 1923, Hitler interrupted a conference of the the local government, and announced he was going to take over the government of Bavaria. He and old war hero, Ludendorff, went to the meeting.The Nazis began to take over the building of officials. One day later, the forces of the Weimar government attacked the Nazis back. The police surrounded the Nazis, and killed sixteen of them. The rebellion that Hitler had planned, had not worked. Hitler managed to escape in a car, while Ludendorff and other Nazis, stayed back to fight the police. …show more content…

It was used for propaganda for the Nazis and quoted, ¨ The German people are enslaved people. We have had all our sovereign rights taken from us. We are just good enough that international capital allows us to fill its money sacks with interest payments. That only that is the result of a centuries- long history of heroism. How have we deserved it ? No, and no again !.....¨ The Nazis were gaining much more power from the people with this piece of propaganda. The people were attracted by it. they wanted to lose all of the humiliation and shame from the end of WWI and from the Treaty of Versailles. Much propaganda was used in movies, films, videos, posters, and all of mass media. The also used culture. Such as clothing, food, hairstyles, etc. The Nazis were really successful on providing attention to the people of Germany. In movie theaters they would shame the Jews and say they were evil by putting them as the villain in the movie or in commercials.

The Munich Putsch was significant because Hitler could no longer speak publicly while he was in prison because it was also part of the treason he was given by the judges. Because of this, Hitler could not speak to the Germans or any other person in the world. Hitler was disappointed that he could not give speeches to everyone about what he felt or believed about the people he opposed. And he knew that he was losing trust, loyalty, and popularity. So he wanted to convince the judges to give him less time than five years. Which the judges end up giving him nine months and Hitler went back to being a powerful

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