Horticulture Personal Statement

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“What are you going to do after high school?” I’ve been asking myself this question forever, and as of this fall, I’ve finally decided. I plan to major in horticulture at Iowa State University. Deciding what to do with the rest of my life was neither quick nor easy, but luckily I had some help along the way.
My interest in plants began before I can remember, and has been fueled by my parents, teachers, and summer job. My family has the best backyard garden. I was always out there, picking green beans and helping pull out weeds. Eventually, this evolved to my parents allowing me to grow any seed or plant that interested me, until a spare room in our house teemed with potted plants throughout the whole winter. This past year my biology teacher has helped me tremendously in my career choice by understanding my interest and always encouraging me to learn more. She allows me to grow plants in the school’s greenhouse …show more content…

It is a subject that I know I can completely immerse myself in and still never get bored of. Within this field, there are many options. I have not quite narrowed down exactly what I want to do. One area that I’m looking at right now is horticulture research. With horticulture research, I would work in a laboratory and discover better ways to grow plants, how to prevent diseases in plants, and different uses for plants. I could impact thousands or millions of lives by increasing the worlds food supply or by using my knowledge of plants to help develop new vaccines or medicines. In other areas of horticulture, I could work as a plant breeder, greenhouse manager, or vineyard manager. I plan to earn my bachelor’s degree, and then possibly a masters or doctoral degree, depending on the exact type of career I choose to pursue. Ultimately, I would love to be able to lead a research team of my own, or manage a food production greenhouse in the

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