Descriptive Essay On My Farm

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If we lived on a farm where my wife could work in a garden, raise chickens, make her own soap, milk a cow, and slop a hog, she would be in heaven. I also like farms, but I like to admire them from a distance. Farms with gardens, chickens, cows, hogs and soap making are hard work! My mama and daddy always had a garden, chickens, and every so often a couple of hogs penned in the back corner of our one acre, so I know animals and gardens are constant work. It is not that I am lazy, well that may be partly it, but the truth is I am a practical person and for me Walmart and Corner Market are simply more practical and convenient. For a fraction of the effort and cost (I’ll get to that later) it takes to be a DIY (do it yourself) person, I can stroll through the local grocery and pick all the peas, tomatoes, cabbage, peppers, and squash I please and not break a sweat. I dare anyone to do that on a farm or on a backyard wanna be farm! At the grocery, I can open the cooler and grab a gallon of milk and never get caught fondling a cow, and I if I want eggs, there they are stacked not far from the milk. Why should I get the blood pecked out of …show more content…

Dropping into her sweet, honey, you don’t want to fight me too hard on this, voice, she proclaims she wants to raise chickens and make her own soap, so we can get as far “off the grid” as possible. Not once, has she ever asked me if I wanted to get off the grid! If it costs me money and extra work, I do not, but I am just a husband, so what do I know. She always ends by telling me how rewarding it is doing something with your own hands. If I wanted to do something with my own hands, I would take up golf, bowling, origami, or throw away my remote and walk to the television to manually change channels. I am more into rewarding my hands by allowing them to rest calmly and unstressed at my

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