Hope For Paws

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The love and friendship that animals can and are willing to give is extremely enriching and can bring so much joy into our lives as well as the whole world; having your dog come give you kisses when you are sad or having your cat lay by your side when you are sick; these actions show just how much they are aware of us and care for us. However, animals of all kinds are abused each and every day; strangled, beaten, made to be in dog fights, not being fed or cared for, these are situations that animals have to deal with on a daily basis. Animals—dogs, cats, horses, tigers, etc.—have been abused by humans for years and it does not seem to cease. Animals can feel the same emotions that humans can; love, fear, pain, loneliness, and many humans inadvertently …show more content…

One thing I love about this organization is that they will go save the animals that are supposed to be put down at a shelter; it doesn’t matter if the dog is a biter or seems too difficult to work with. This organization does not give up on an animal just because it is a challenge. Hope for Paws saves innocent animals and gives them another chance at life. A lot of kill shelters will give up on a dog if it seems unadoptable; they do not want to take the time to comfort the animal and make it feel loved, which is what a lot of animals need to get to the next step. Those that are a part of this organization are willing to take time out of their lives to help animals in need, whether it is that the animals were left by their owners and they are starving to death or if they live on the street with nowhere to go. If it were not for people like Audrey and Eldad Hagar and those that volunteer at animal rescue organizations, like Hope for Paws, or even people that make the call informing them about an animal in need, there would be a lot less animals in the world living a better and more fulfilling life. In their online book entitled Our Lives Have Gone to the Dogs: Second Edition, Audrey and Eldad Hagar explain that they have a mission to …show more content…

To know what humans are capable of doing to a living creature that feels pain and fear makes me want to do all that I can to rescue animals from threatening situations, which is why I want to go into a career where I can make a difference in animals’ lives. I chose this issue because I think a lot of people either do not know what goes on with animals and the abuse that they suffer or maybe they turn their heads because they think that there is nothing they can do. By educating myself on animal abuse and rescue, I can better educate myself and others, helping them to understand the importance of animals and the love that they deserve to have. This organization appealed to me because, first of all, it is local and I am able to go there, and because the two people who founded Hope for Paws are genuinely good-hearted people who make it their life to rescue animals from their tortuous lives, whether they are on the streets or in a shelter waiting to be euthanized. They do as much as they can to save all animals, and that to me is a quality of a hero. Animals have so much love and companionship to offer to humans and other animals, creating a more joyous life, and if we unite together under the cause to save animals and educate people then we can save the lives

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