Wild Animals Aren T Pets Essay

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After reading Wild Animals Aren’t Pets and Let People Own Exotic Animals, the question that asks, should exotic animals be considered pets is finally answered. Exotic animals should not be considered pets. These animals if not kept right are too dangerous to be a pet of anyone, on the other hand people believe the animals are not dangerous if kept with responsible private ownerships, and finally people aren’t only the ones getting hurt, the animals are too. Throughout the article, Wild Animals Aren’t Pets, you learn that many people have been hurt from exotic pets. According to the text, “In 2009, a 2-year-old Florida girl was strangled by 12-foot-long Burmese python, a family pet that had gotten out of its aquarium.” This shows the danger …show more content…

For example Terry Thompson, he had a criminal record and animal abuse charges, but yet he found a way to own lions, tigers, and bear. According to Wild Animals Aren’t Pets, “... Terry Thompson opened the cages on his Zanesville farm, springing dozens of lions, tigers, bears, and other wild creatures before killing himself.” This shows the great act of danger a owner of exotic animals can do when setting his animals free. Thompson was not fit for the role of ownership of wild animals, but many others aren’t fit of the role and have exotic animals too.
Although many people are hurt and killed from wild animals that are kept as pets. But the animals suffer from hurt they receive from their owner. In paragraph 6 of ,Wild Animals Aren’t Pets, the author talks about how dangerous the wild animals are but also talks about the dangers of the animals being hurt. “This week in Zanesville, it was the animals themselves including 18 rare Bengal tigers, who became innocent victims.” This shows the owners of the rare tigers began abusing their animals. People are not the only ones getting

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