Highly Effective Teens

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7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens Everyone has a habit that they need out of there lives like; smoking, procrastinating, drugs, drinking, ect. Most people say that teens these years have it easy because we don't have much on use like they did, but if you think about Teens these year have a lot of pressure on them and work really hard for themselves. For a teen you have to be straight A, be good looking, be fit, and still have a social life to be even close to fitting in. With that pressure teens start to fall into bad habits and grow up to be unsuccessful. The book 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens is very helpful and useful for teens it will show you ways to improve your way that you look at life and they way you look towards others. A way to becoming a better teens is to "Begin with the End in Mind" (78); …show more content…

You have to find ways to balance out your life to get the thing you need done but still have time for you, family, relationships, and friends. The Teens get home from school are tired and not wanting to work any more after working for 8 hours at school. Teens are given a lot of work to do at home but are tired for 8 hours of school and learning so instead or working they go play video games, chill with friends, or just sleep. One thing that teen constantly do is procrastinate. Procrastination is the avoiding important work that needs to be done in a period of time. Most people who do it often are not stressed because they never do anything, then they stay up all night to get there project, easy, or homework done. Waiting till the last minute is not going to good for your stress level nor for your grade. Staying up all night to study for a test is less affect then studying over a week. On page 113 of 7 Habits or Highly Effective Teens it shows you what it feels like to be a procrastinator then how it feels to get things

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