High School Dress Code Essay

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Just last year, Summer, an Honor Roll student at Hickory Ridge High School was banned from graduating because she wore an off-the-shoulder top that exposed her collarbones. As a 4.4 GPA student, she was also suspended due to this dress code controversy, and almost arrested (Vagianos). It is because of cases like this that make evident the negative effects a strict dress code can have. This is why I have outlined the following dress code for North Middle School:
Attire mostly covers undergarments
Bottom and cleavage are covered
Clothing referencing drugs, weapons, tobacco, or any obscenity is not allowed First of all, many schools support their dress code by saying that it promotes a learning environment safe from distractions. This is a logical …show more content…

This however, is an entirely sexist argument that continues to humiliate and body shame girls every day who are forced to change because their outfit, or sometimes even more extreme measures are taken in these cases. It insults students of both genders, by implying that all boys don’t have self control, and all girls need to hide their bodies. While their will always be students who will help perpetuate this mindset, the rest of the student body shouldn’t have to suffer the consequences. Inequality is something women have faced for centuries, and the worst part is that it is present in schools, where the minds of youth are shaped for the future. Unfair dress codes can make young girls insecure, and strip them of their dignity, and these can affect them in terrible ways throughout the rest of their lives. Schools, of all places, should be promoting tolerance, which is what the dress code outlined above does while still keeping decent modesty. It is crucial to remember that to dress code a female student for showing their shoulders(yes, there are schools were shoulders can’t be shown), collarbones, legs, parts of their back, or even because they wear leggings(which are strictly not allowed at some schools), is only hurting the progression of

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