How Should Dress Codes Be Changed

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I think dress codes at Alice Robertson should be changed because it's not always fair and especially to girls. You should be able to wear what your parents buy for you. Your clothes should express you. Girls dress code is very strict and unfair. Dress codes are a problem to girls. Girls are becoming ashamed of what they look like. Oklahoma can get very hot during the spring, summer, and even the fall. Girls have to wear long pants while boys can wear shorts and tank tops. Girls are being targeted by teachers and making them feel like sexual objects, not people. The school staff shouldn't feel comfortable telling girls what they can and cannot wear to school. Most kids don't even want to be at school, don't make it worse by telling them the way they dress is a distraction! Making sure boys are focused, learning and not being distracted by what they wear should not be a girl's top priority. School dress codes can be derogatory and very unfair. …show more content…

Boys dress code allows them to wear a lot more and is more laid back than girls . It shouldn't matter what a girl is wearing; it shouldn't be a distraction in class. A girl ran a test and had three boys take a math test. She had a jacket on, and when she took it off and tested them again, they didn't even realize a change. It is not a girl's fault if a boy is distracted by them. A boy can wear shorts and tank tops to school, why can't we? I think the same dress code should apply to both boys and girls. Just because some boys can't 'control themselves' doesn't mean a girl should have to change what they

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