Hezbollah Thesis

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Hezbollah is a radical shia terrorist group. But they have come a long way to receive the recognition they get today. Majority of the group's publicity has arisen from the ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict. They have put forth many thoughts and actions that have affected how this issue will finally be played out, and how it could end.
Hezbollah was established in 1982 using Iranian support with finances. The group was initiated as a retaliation of Israel invading Lebanon. Their basic belief is against Judaism, through their interpretation of the Koran. Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah is the Secretary-General of Hezbollah. He is the chief decision maker for parliamentary and political choices. Soon after the formation, they had begun developing and executing …show more content…

FTO stands for Foreign Terrorist Organization. This recognizes Hezbollah as an actual terrorist organization. Once the news spread, majority of the country was against the group now as well. The U.S. are now taking the threats and actions that they have done seriously, soon using retaliation of defense against them.
The Lebanese people are mainly in favor of Hezbollah because that they will win territory from the israelis and grant it back to Lebanon. Also other countries with a shia muslim majority tend to support Hezbollah. People who practice radical shia islam also support the group because of their similar beliefs and actions against Israelis. On the flip side, the Israeli population and its allies despise the groups and condemn its’ works. The vast majority of jewish people are not fond of Hezbollah as well.
Hezbollah never plans to stop the attacks until they receive what they desire. The list of wants is very large but mainly Hezbollah would like landmass and to have the Israeli population shrink or disappear. The group is very stubborn about their wishes, however they are also very aggressive and violent to people and groups with opposite or different views as them. Hezbollah will not stop what they have been doing until the Arab-Israeli conflict is resolved in the Palestinian

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