Hassan Nasrallah Essays

  • Hezbollah Thesis

    706 Words  | 2 Pages

    it could end. Hezbollah was established in 1982 using Iranian support with finances. The group was initiated as a retaliation of Israel invading Lebanon. Their basic belief is against Judaism, through their interpretation of the Koran. Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah is the Secretary-General of Hezbollah. He is the chief decision maker for parliamentary and political choices. Soon after the formation, they had begun developing and executing

  • The Muslim Brotherhood

    1301 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Muslim Brotherhood The Muslim Brotherhood was a large Islamic party. It founded by Hasan al-Banna in Egypt in 1928. Their goal was to create an Islamic nation, and they used shari’ah law. The ideas of the Muslim Brotherhood spread throughout the Arab World, and they had many branches in many Arab countries. Hasan al-Banna and his followers worked against the foreign companies “British imperial rule” in their country. What they had done were including charitable contributions and focusing on

  • Operation Wrath of God

    850 Words  | 2 Pages

    Operation Wrath of God was Israel’s response to the Munich Massacre. In 1972, the Summer Olympic Games were held in Munich, Germany (then West Germany). Eleven, Israeli Olympians and coaches were held hostage and eventually murdered by members of the Black September terrorist group which is part of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Furthermore, five of the eight terrorists were killed in a failed hostage recovery attempt by the Germans. The three remaining terrorists were released

  • Saddam Hussein

    531 Words  | 2 Pages

    A good leader makes a difference in the lives he is leading. He contributes positively to his community, and guides his people in the right path, keeping them safe. Saddam Hussein, the fifth president of Iraq, did positive and negative things for Iraq while in office, but he ruled with an iron fist, he was cruel and caused terror to his people. He did good for country but was infamous because of the negative perception of his actions while president of Iraq. Even though Hussein was mostly known for

  • Type Of Government In Syria

    1248 Words  | 3 Pages

    Syria’s location, type of government, and current leadership contributes to why the people are fighting in the civil war. Syria is a country that is nestled on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea in southwestern Asia. Its capital is Damascus which is located on the Barada River. Syria is bounded by many other countries, and the people who cohabitate in these places have many similar as well as different religious beliefs. The bordering countries are Turkey on the north, Lebanon and Israel on

  • Heart Of Darkness Allusions

    1337 Words  | 3 Pages

    "So long as there is imperialism in the world, a permanent peace is impossible" (Nasrallah). This quote by Hassan Nasrallah alludes to the belief that imperialism results in worldwide conflicts. Throughout the course of human events, nations have sought to take over a specific area to benefit their nation economically. In fact, one of the prominent purposes of Heart of Darkness is to highlight and expose the devastation that King Leopold of Belgium imposed on the Congo. King Leopold began is campaign

  • Imperialism In The World: The Dutch East India Company

    594 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Dutch and Indies “So as long as there is imperialism in the world, a permanent peace is impossible.” (Hassan Nasrallah, brainy quote.com, 2016). This quote shows that imperialism isn’t a positive thing for people it’s only good for the development and progress of power in a country. Imperialism is a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force. Everybody had a different perspective of seeing imperialism as either a negative or positive progress. The

  • The Ancient Land of Iraq

    1831 Words  | 4 Pages

    Baghdad's National Theatre every night to laugh at themselves. A play written and directed by Abed Ali Qaed, titled Vagabonds, gently mocked Iraqis for having become a nation of beggars. Ø Among the ancient Iraqi recipes collected by author Nawal Nasrallah in her new cookbook are sweet and sour salmon in almond prune sauce and mustard and kubbut halab, balls of crunchy rice dough stuffed with ground beef, currants, toasted almonds and spices. Her book, Delights from The Garden Of Eden, can be ordered

  • Hezbollah History

    1618 Words  | 4 Pages

    Hezbollah or the party of Allah was established during the first Lebanon war in 1982 by Iran and with assistance of Syria, Hezbollah is a Lebanese Shi’ite Muslim terrorist organization which emerged from Baalbek district of Lebanon Bekaa valley. Hezbollah immediately gain the acceptance of the Shia population in south Lebanon specially Beirut. Hezbollah has been inspired by a group of young Iranian who were member of the Iranian Islamic Revolution; their goal was either expelling or killing of the

  • Is The Conflict In Syria A Civil War, An Insurgency Or A Proxy Conflict?

    2321 Words  | 5 Pages

    Is the conflict in Syria a civil war, an insurgency or a proxy conflict? The Syrian Uprising is an ongoing armed conflict in Syria between forces loyal to the Ba'ath government and those seeking to oust its regime. The conflict has many complex entities with factions present that are seeking their own foothold in the country’s struggle over power. However, this was not always the case and an examination will take place into weather the conflict can be defined as either a civil war, an insurgency