Dissecting '80s Handgun Control Ads: A Visual Rhetoric Analysis

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Advertisement Analysis: Pre-1995

During the 1980’s, gun violence was an increasing problem calling on the opinions of many. With gun related crimes nearing their pinnacle and the numbers of incidences rising many “anti-guns” ideas and public media began circulating. During this time a group, formally known as The National Council to Control Handguns, entitled Handgun Control Inc. (HCI) was publishing public service announcements regarding gun control. Famously know for using the slogan “STOP HANDGUNS BEFORE THEY STOP YOU,” HCI enrooted awareness among viewers regarding their PSAs and the handgun violence they informed us upon.

This pre-twenty-first century ad on handgun control leaves us with a shocking almost eerie feeling
This aspect of the ad represents a stern, serious matter,one that should not be taken lightly. This message is identified as gun violence and addressing it as a growing, national problem.
Along with capital letters flowing throughout the passage, we notice some strong choices in diction. When adding “GOD BLESS AMERICA.” the viewers have something they can fully relate to in the ad. They connect with the ad now because they are able to understand that it is not a foreign country problem. This is a right here in our country, our cities, and our neighborhoods problem.
Following the print, one of the most attention-grabbing visuals you notice in this advertisement is the gun imprinted with the pattern of the American flag. This is the only element in color, therefore it immediately catches your eye and leaves the rest of the image looking lifeless. However one point of matter most people fail to notice is that the pattern of the flag is both backwards and slanted. This represents a disheveled, unorganized America and subconsciously the viewers think this while reading and examining the ad. Therefore this aspect aids in reinforcing that the problem is an American problem

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