Grimshaw V Ford Motor Company Case Summary

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Introduction of the Topic Product liability is a legal liability method of manufacturers, producers, and retailers, so they are responsible when their products result in harms to consumers in the market. The product liability happens when manufacturers, producers, or retailers are inadvertent in creating products without using an appropriate design process and sold it to the market. Moreover, the products that are created by manufacturers may result in an injury as a result of the absence of warning labels of the correlated risk or inadequate direction. Ford Motor Company is one of the vast majorities of companies that are responsible for their product’s abuse as a result of product’s imperfection. What precautions are needed for Ford Company to be able to prevent product liability lawsuit? It is important for Ford Motor Company to create a safe product for their customers before publicly put it on the market.
Factual Background
In the 1970s, Ford Motor Company, one of the most rising vehicle companies, proposed a recent car model on the public to get in a direct competition with other foreign vehicle companies that …show more content…

Ford Motor Company case, because Ford Motor Company is confirmed to be inattentive and is responsible in this case. Ford Motor Company violated all elements of the negligence law, due to inattentively in every aspect of responsibility, since they know about the defective parts of Ford Pinto, but did not inform it to the public and resulted in the death of Lily Gray and a serious injury of Richard Grimshaw. The judgment asserted the trial court allocated a compensatory and punitive damages were reasonable for both Lily Gray and Robert Grimshaw. It is written in Philippians 2:4, “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” Therefore, it is important for Ford Motor Company to create a safe product for their customers before publicly put it on the

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