Product Liability Case Study

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The rapid industrialization and urbanization had inevitably led to rampant unfair trade practices, most notably fraudulent misrepresentation as to the quality and standard of goods . Accordingly, product liability law had been enacted to raise the standard of goods manufactured and supplied to the consumers, by enabling the consumers to make a defective product liability claim (for compensation) if they suffer any injuries or damages as a result of the product used. In Malaysia, the law concerning liability in defective product is provided for under PART X of Consumer Protection Act 1999 (CPA), which modeled on European Community Directive on Liability for Defective Product 1985 (85/374/EEC) , with further modifications. A product is said to be defective if the safety of the product is not such as a person is generally entitled to expect . A defect could be either in the form of design defect , manufactured defect or instructional defect . The persons who shall be liable for any damage caused either wholly or partly by a defect in a product is held out by Section 68(1) of CPA as follows: (a) producer of the product; (b) the person who, by putting his name or trade mark on the product, has …show more content…

The product liability law in Malaysia is now entering into a new era with the recent introduction in CPA. The Part X of the Act introduces a new system of liability in respect of loss or damage and it is prescribes the product liability in detail and explain in which circumstances that the manufacturer or seller could be sued for compensation. The Tribunal has jurisdiction in respect of any claim not more than RM 25,000.00 filed within 3 years of the

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