Glass Ceiling In The Workplace

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The “glass ceiling” is one of the most compelling metaphors for analyzing inequalities between men and women in the workplace. Glass ceiling can also be misunderstood, invisible, and elusive as a barrier that will prevent women and minorities from rising to the positions of prestige, power, or the highest position in the workforce, professional advancement at managerial levels. Because of this barrier many women have feelings that are not good enough to have the highest position, but also they the impression that the superiors would not take them seriously as they deserved. Few years ago many statistics showed that women is still facing “glass ceiling” barrier in management world with a whopping of 73% in comparison with only …show more content…

Sexual harassment also tends to occur more frequently in non-traditional work environments. Women may be subjected to inappropriate language or unwelcome sexual conduct. Also, if male supervisors or colleagues dislike the presence of women in their workplace, they may use sexually harassing behavior to humiliate them. The cause of such big percentage differences between men and women in management is cause sometimes because of resentment. Many men have the mentality that management world is like an “old male club” where women have no access. Is very hard for them to accept and recognize that women came along in comparison with few years before, and are as competent, intelligent, and success driven as men are. Another assumption is that men are convinced that women don’t have the quality to be a leader, since they believe that women are not emotionally equipped for managerial job because of their nature; therefore, women are considered fragile and temperamental. In order to become equal with men in leadership, is very essential for a women to have access to management training and line experience, mentors and role models at the highest levels, as well as access to formal and informal networks and channels of communication at work. Moreover, men need to learn to change their attitude in women, and equal employment opportunity policies needs to be monitored closely, and not to be allowed to become like it is at the moment, selective. Work equality policies have to be transparent, non-objective, and fair for everybody. Furthermore, there are not many female mentors and role models in the management world, and future female business students need to have the option to be mentored by female leaders in order to shape their career

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