Giving Off A Bad Image Analysis

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When you create images you give the world an idea of you and a way to think of something. Do you give off a good image? However , when you set a bad image in someone’s head they’re going to think negatively about you and they would want to not be around your negative images or your presence. So , when you approach your peers, you should dress well and act appropriately to give off a good image. Giving off an bad image can affect your reputation in many ways. Our image more times than not , is defined by what we look , how we dress and where we come from. An image or a status presents us or the world a message and the message could either be good or bad. Images can determined and in a good condition in life and this is why you would want to give everyone a positive image about you. In the novel “ Maleeka “ image makes people think she’s a poor black girl from the way she carries herself and the way she presents herself to the world. You wouldn’t want your image or presence to come off in an aggressive way, make your image or appearance stand out and have a determined mindset. Our image determines where you are in life, it can affect the people around you and it can affect your opportunities for your future. …show more content…

Once before . I have been judged because of the clothes that I have worn before and it gave lots of people a bad image and I was stereotyped to be like other women. A bad status affected me because people wanted to distance themselves from me. I’ve gotten doubted plenty of times and been told I wasn’t going to accomplishment a lot. Having a bad image changed me because no one wants to be known as names that aren’t nice and nobody would want to have you in their presence if you have a ad image or reputation. Being a young female you want to make sure that you’re known for good not the bad. So keep going off positive

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