Kam 490s Ambassador Research Paper

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A few months ago I was chosen to be a Kamloops Ambassador for a year. At that moment my life changed to conform into what I thought people would expect from an Ambassador. Since taking this introduction to sociology I have realized how much we have discussed about has applied to my role as an Ambassador. One of the main concepts that applies is Charles Horton Cooley’s idea of looking-glass self and that a person's self grows out of society's interpersonal interactions and the perceptions of others was the first concept that I soon found myself enthralled with. Then, when we discussed Erving Goffman's concept of impression management in relation to Self-promotion; I found a connection between impression management and looking-glass self in relation to my own life as a Kamloops Ambassador. This insight made me realize that while as an Ambassador I do try to convey an image …show more content…

As an Ambassador you always have to act proper and present yourself in a professional manner even if in reality you are normally rude or the most un-put together person. This goes with Goffman’s concept of impression management and how we try to control how people view us by doing certain things to control their ideas of us. Even if someone is being rude we still try to come off as warm and welcoming as possible even if all we want to do is get mad at the person. At functions we must wear our crowns and we feel self-conscious as people are always staring at us and judging on why we are wearing those crowns; however as a public figure we like to be recognized and have people think we are important. This ties in with Cooley’s concept of the looking-glass self has to do with how our self-image is shaped by society. However, how we see ourselves does not actually come from who we really are, but rather from how we believe others see

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