Critical Analysis Of Swifts, Gaga, And Gomez's Social Media

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Performance and performativity

The development and performance of identity has intrigued researchers from all disciplines. The Self and being have been conceptualized and investigated from varying points of view. Goffman and Butler have created frames through which performance of the self can be comprehended. (Goffman, 1959) brings forth the frame of “impression management” and Butler discusses “performative identity” (Butler, 1990). Impression management explains how people alter their presentation of the self to fit social contexts and mentions how social interactions can reshape an individuals sense of identity. Whereas performative identity claims that one’s identity is constructed discursively and that individuals perform according to …show more content…

Sharing is fundamental to social networking. For the most part, when we share content via web-based networking media administrations, we do it straightforwardly, unmistakably, that is within the sight of a group. The demonstration of sharing is to a degree a performative demonstration, a demonstration that accomplishes something on the planet, as (Horanyi, 2013) mentions J.L. Austin would say. The performative part of sharing shapes the rationale and experience of the performance itself. Sharing celebrities’ social media has a self-reflective structure. as Swift, Gaga and Gomez perform in front of an audience as they realize that they are being viewed by the group of onlookers. This causes them to tailor their conduct to find the best …show more content…

Which brings in the point that they should "be yourself" and not what is expected or appropriate for Swift and Gomez to be, which brings in Butler’s performative identity and Goffmans impressions management in terms of the relationship beween the performer and audience. As both Swift and Gomez go against what they saying there quotes “Just be yourself, there is no one better.”- Taylor Swift “Being yourself is all it takes. If you want to impress someone don't be someone else just be yourself.”- Selena Gómez as they have subjective

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