Gender Wage Pay Is Unfair

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The issue of discrimination is an ongoing battle whether it is about race, religion, wealth, appearance, or any slight unique aspect that an individual possesses, it is penalized and often times these individuals are set aside in society. Women especially are minorities within a society and often discriminated against because they are seen as lesser beings. The Feminism movement began in the early 19th century and it is an ongoing movement today. One significant prejudicial issue faced by many women today is in the work place, regarding the difference in pay between females and their male colleagues. Many believe that the gender wage gap exists solely because of a female’s decision to apply to a low-paying profession. However, regardless of …show more content…

In addition, many who support gender wage gap maintain that woman are granted all the human rights as any other individual in society, which is entirely false. This is false because if women are truly granted human rights, then they would receive equal “distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges” as any male does within society today ("Social Justice - Definition of Social Justice in English | Oxford Dictionaries"). Even after decades the Canadian government adapted the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and passed federal Employment Equity Act (1998), it is a shame that many women are still treated unequally in society and are deprived of their fundamental human rights as their male counterparts. Women who do not receive equal pay is not only a direct disregard of the Canadian laws, but it is a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and United Nation’s Convention on the elimination of discrimination against women (Cornish 8). Moreover, the Universal laws and the Canadian laws provides the same framework on women’s rights and eliminating discrimination of all forms. Even though the Canadian laws and the authorities enforcing them can be influential most of the time, women should still be recognized as persons in society and fully capable to perform the same tasks as any man. As a result of eliminating gender wage gap in society, it will promote social justice and provide equal opportunities. Aside from the unequal pay that women receive in work being the definition of gender segregation and its existence in society violating the Canadian laws on pay equity, the existence of the gender wage gap will continue to increase woman’s poverty rates which is economically

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