Frank Castle The Punisher Research Paper

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Frank Castle the Punisher is a self-proclaimed soldier in a war that started with the tragic death of his family and will not end until he has punished those that he deems guilty. As a vigilante the Punisher does what often does not get done in New York City by the justice system. Some see him as a hero while others see him as a criminal who is no better than those who receive his punishments. Having a military background makes his punishments professional and deadly for the highly ranked criminals he targets. The Punisher does not seek to punish small crime doers his targets are they type of people who are ruining New York. These criminals range from drug dealers to distributers of child pornography. The people he targets are the worst of
The Punisher is a criminal whose methods of punishment are unorthodox yet necessary in the world he lives. Having to witness the murder of his family was something that changed the whole way he acted. Once he was a loving husband and then he turned into a ruthless serial killer of criminals. There is no justice that will be severed and he knows that, most people in his world, the Marvel Universe realize that justice is hard to achieve in such a corrupted place. The police, District Attorneys and even medical doctors have been proven to contribute to the corruption. They lie or conceal what they know sometimes because they profit from it and sometimes because it is their only means of survival. Being tired of the injustices taking place Castle must have lost his sanity, especially when it hit his home and he lost his family. Aside from this, Frank Castle was also physically harmed and this may have led to what he becomes. He was shot in the brain and barely survived, yet this event could add up to why he is highly disturbed. In the show Daredevil, a brain expert is called upon in court to speak over the effects the bullet in Frank’s brain had, he describes it as “Extreme Emotional

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