Four Secrets to Happiness

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“The Four Secrets to Happiness” is a short story of the two reward systems responsible for our happiness as based from a psychological standpoint. The author, Jane McGonigal, effectively discusses the intrinsic reward system and the theory of the four categories that result in long-term happiness. Additionally, she discusses the findings of extrinsic rewards having a negative impact and how we are programmed by society to follow the American Dream, which in fact is composed of extrinsic rewards. However, the author’s background as a gamer, designer, and researcher leads to an unexpected ending that does not support the intrinsic reward system in this reader’s opinion. Intrinsic rewards are generated when we set out to create our own happiness. These are created by the sheer effort of engaging in life. Hard work is what makes it more rewarding, therefore creating a sustainable level of happiness. The author describes this as “the positive emotions, personal strengths, and social connections that we build by engaging intensely with the world around us” (368). The four intrinsic rewards include the following: satisfying work, being successful, social connection, and a deeper meaning to our existence. McGonigal speaks of these as “the foundation for optimal human experience” (371). Other than our basic human survival needs, these rewards drive us and create a lasting, positive influence. The first intrinsic reward is the act of doing satisfying work. It is human nature to need to see results from our work and to see we have a direct impact for our efforts. If this is not an innate human need then why are we not fulfilled with the monotonous tasks that are required of us on a daily basis. Individuals long for more, moreover, to be d... ... middle of paper ... happiness (369). Lastly, McGonigal speaks of gaming as an intrinsic reward. She describes it as, “a productive pastime; experiencing the four things we crave the most, thus producing a higher quality of life” (372). This can be a controversial topic between gamers and non-gamers. There are gamers that use it as an escape from reality. Through gaming, virtual material rewards are received. Praise is gained from fellow gamers and if a gamer excels, a status is obtained. This is more supportive of the extrinsic reward system in this reader’s opinion. Happiness is ultimately a choice for each individual. Many things bring happiness; whether short-term, or long-term. The concept of intrinsic rewards in this readers experience has resulted in a more fulfilling existence. But, it is human nature to want immediate results without much effort. The choice is ours.

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