Flagstaff, AZ

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Flagstaff, AZ

When you think of Arizona, you think of vast deserts with the sun that lasts the whole day. As you force your car north through the significant state, the seasons change before your eyes. Finally, in the middle of the state you reach the rich San Francisco Mountains. Once you see the peaks of the mountains you know you are close to Flagstaff, AZ.

Flagstaff is the definition of a mountain town. There isn’t a person in the city that hasn’t hiked, skied or snow-boarded down these giant mountains. Not only do the mountains make this city something unique, it’s also the people that live there.

Flagstaff is filled with generations of families that have made what the city is today. They have built the mom and pop restaurants, the community centers, and the unique shops of hand make arts. Because of the strength in family businesses, the city is growing to great numbers. Northern Arizona University has helped bring diversity to the city. The college brings in young people from all over the country. Flagstaff has an abounding culture, “If we are to achieve a richer culture, rich in contrasting values, we must recognize the whole gamut of human potentialities, and so weave a less arbitrary social fabric, one in which each diverse human gift will find a fitting place” (Bartlett 189).

Flagstaff is a community rich with cultural diversity, beauty, and history as well as amazing educational, recreational and scientific opportunities. Flagstaff, Arizona is located at the intersection of Interstate 17 and Interstate 40, and is the largest city in Northern Arizona. Flagstaff is also the regional center and county seat for Coconino

County, the second largest county in the 48 contiguous states. The City of Flagstaff,...

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...ar spiritual and resource significance to the Hopi and Navajo. Both of these nations claim ancestral religious rights to the mountain. In the Hopi worldview, Katsinas (spiritual beings responsible for bringing rain and maintaining social and ceremonial order) live on the mountain, to which select tribe members make periodic pilgrimages for visiting sacred shrines. To the Navajo, the mountain is a physical manifestation of sacred forces and also a home to spiritual beings. Both tribes approach the mountain with the utmost respect, and only for ceremony or collection of medicinal plants.

The San Francisco Peaks mean many things to many different kinds of people. It is significant in its grand stature along with what the mountains mean to each distinct person. The San Francisco Peaks should are used for personal enjoyment, economic pursuits or even scientific study.

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