Flagstaff Essays

  • Flagstaff, Arizona

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    Flagstaff, Arizona Could a town really change me as much as I think? Flagstaff, Arizona is one of the coolest towns that I have ever been, but at the same time; one of the quirkiest. Is Flagstaff a small mountain town, a big city, a hip university town, or a large industrial center? The environment and culture of Flagstaff is extremely diverse, making it difficult for outsiders to find their place in Flagstaff. I often wonder how I ended up in this little town in the mountains. I came

  • Exploring the Beauty of Flagstaff

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    Exploring the Beauty of Flagstaff I have always loved visiting Flagstaff for its beautiful atmosphere. Part of which makes Flagstaff so beautiful are the beautiful pine trees that make up the woods. Driving up from Tucson can be such a long drag, especially when all you see is desert. You really know when you finally hit Flagstaff, because the trees along I 17 start to get bigger. They are so beautiful as they stand tall and sway with the light breezes that pass by. The woods show the

  • Flagstaff, AZ

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    Flagstaff, AZ When you think of Arizona, you think of vast deserts with the sun that lasts the whole day. As you force your car north through the significant state, the seasons change before your eyes. Finally, in the middle of the state you reach the rich San Francisco Mountains. Once you see the peaks of the mountains you know you are close to Flagstaff, AZ. Flagstaff is the definition of a mountain town. There isn’t a person in the city that hasn’t hiked, skied or snow-boarded down these

  • My Biggest Adventure

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    things that were ahead of me. I knew that my life was about to change dramatically; I was going to be living on my own in a new environment not knowing a single person or having someone to hang out with. Out of everything that is different in Flagstaff I would have to say that the weather is the most noticeable. In Southern California the weather is the most neutral compared to the rest of the United States. We have sunny warm days all year long so in a way one could say that it is summer all

  • Flagstaff Personal Statement

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    I am living in Flagstaff and loving my life! I work in a research lab as a technician and a manager during the day and go to local community events at night. When the weather is right my friends and I go play in the snow. I get to give back to my NAU and Flagstaff community with my volunteer time and it has become my social circle. I worked in the MGGen laboratory during my time at NAU and even got published in a science journal! My work loves me and I help hire and train undergraduate students from

  • Rhetorical Analysis of Speech a Speech by George W. Bush

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    In this paper I am going to discuss the rhetorical appeals, as well as the argumentative structure, audience and purpose set forth by George W. Bush in his September 27 speech in Flagstaff, Arizona. More specifically I will refer to the rhetorical appeals of ethos, pathos and logos, and explain how they are used to gain the support and attention of the audience and further the further the purpose of the speech. As I explain these appeals I will also give an insight into the argumentative structure

  • Kachina/Katsina Doll

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    men impersonating supernatural beings that predominate the Hopi, Zuni and Pueblo Spirit dances. These Spirits are believed to be descendants of a prehistoric people. They have lived in the Northern parts of New Mexico westward into Arizona near Flagstaff for some fifteen hundred years. To honor them they have many sacred dances throughout the year. The dolls which contain the kachina spirits are often given to children to remind them of their heritage and of their Gods. However, the Kachina Dolls

  • Arizona SnowBowl

    857 Words  | 2 Pages

    SnowBowl “A typical Ski season at the Arizona Snow-Bowl last from December to Easter” (Arizona SnowBowl Upgrade proposed Action, September 2002, p.2). The Arizona Snow-Bowl, which is located in the San Francisco Peaks, seven miles outside of Flagstaff, Arizona was only open four days last year! Alarming? Yes, this is why the Arizona Snow bowl has released a full proof plan, which consists of making their own snow! Thanks to Wayne Pierce, the inventor of the snowmaking machine, Arizona Snowbowl

  • My Reason

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    months of searching, this is where I ended up. I grew up in a tourist town at the foot of the Rocky Mountain National Park called Estes Park. It is a beautiful mountainous town with an elevation of six thousand feet. (Estes Park is very similar to Flagstaff.) It was a wonderful place to grow up, but by the time we moved from Estes Park, I was ready to go. The town had just grown to be too small for me. From there, at the age of fourteen, I moved down to a much bigger city called Fort Collins. This is

  • My Great Expectations

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    experienced so far in Flagstaff has been great. In the next four years there are many new thing that I will experience here that I never have by living in phoenix. Also I would like to leave here with a lot more knowledge about different things like business and the community of this city. In the outstanding city of Flagstaff I came with a lot of expectation, will experience many knew things in my college years, and also have two main goals before I leave this city. In Flagstaff I have and will

  • Skiing

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    placed on it. From here the sport spread across forty countries making it one of the fastest growing sports of the time (International Skiing History Association, 2004). It soon caught the attention of the local people of Flagstaff, Arizona. Lying on ancient volcanic ruins, the Flagstaff community began skiing the hills of Snowbowl in 1938 (International Skiing History Association, 2004). The Snowbowl ski area is made of up the extinct volcano, which is more than three million years old. Snowbowl is located

  • Arizona Is Awe-Inspiring

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    Located in the southwestern United States, Arizona borders the states of Nevada and California to its west. It borders Utah to its north, and New Mexico to its west. This unique state has one of the largest populations of any landlocked state in the US and was the 48th state to join the country. Also, it was the last state in the continental United States to achieve statehood, on February 14, 1912. With its vast deserts and soaring mountains, Arizona was long a sparsely populated state that required

  • the san francisco peaks

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    high, the San Francisco Mountains tower over the predominantly Anglo town of Flagstaff to the south. The mountain range was actually formed by a volcano that is now inactive. These peaks have long been considered sacred ground by thirteen Native American tribes, including the Hopi and the Navajo. As the importance of the use of the peaks has intensified among both recreationally and economically for the city of Flagstaff so too has the controversy generated more heat among Native tribes. Opening

  • Man Gave Parole In A Flagstaff Hotel Analysis

    676 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the article titled ”Man Denied Parole in a Flagstaff Hotel” the article follows the case of then teenager Jacob Wideman murdering his bunkmate Eric Kane while he slept in his bed at a summer camp hotel in Flagstaff, Arizona in 1986. Jacob was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 25 years, the article was written in 2011the year of his first parole hearing. The issue for the readers to decipher in the article is if they believe Jacob who has served the

  • On-To Ottawa Riot

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    Write up Template: my argument Philip It is clear that the trekkers are to blame for the On-To Ottawa Treck and the Regina Riot that followed it because it is evident that Trekker misunderstood Bennett and his intention and overreacted. Bennett did what he had to do when he established relief camps but the trekkers did not see the necessity of relief camp and overreacted. The relief camps were policy that Prime Minister Bennett created out of necessity from economical crisis. On March 4, 1934

  • Percival Lowell: The Founder of the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona

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    Percival Lowell was a well-known businessman, mathematician, author, and astronomer. He is the founder of the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. He is also well known for popularizing the idea that Mars had life. His ideas had an immense impact on science fiction, as well as science itself. Not only that, Lowell’s search for “Planet-X” led to the discovery of Pluto. On March 13, 1855, Percival Lowell was born in Cambridge, to a wealthy Bostonian family. His parents were Augustus Lowell, a

  • Broken Window Theory Essay

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    understanding crime, when I was a kid I use to help out at the Boys and Girls Club in Boston; I also recently just volunteered my time at the Flagstaff Boys and Girls Club. To tie this into crime in a society I looked at the surrounding environment. In Boston I noticed a complete contrast with the environment compared to the Boys and Girls Club in Flagstaff. For the kids in Boston, in the inner city these kids had more family complications, some had no parents, mot were troubled youth. The surrounding

  • Augustus Ledyard Research Paper

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    colors on the memorial flagstaff to remember the deaths of all those civilians who died on that day, in the terrible attack on New York, as well as all of the military service members who have fallen in the line of duty in the wars since that day. Though I did not realize it at the time, while I stood at attention among the NROTC unit squads and midshipman staff, while the Company Commander saluted, we were all honoring lieutenant Leyard’s sacrifice and his memory, which the flagstaff represents, as there

  • My Mother's Journey To Mexico

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    Rose to the United States then my mother joined them. Rose was 3 years older than my mother and they both moved to Flagstaff,

  • Race And Sports Pathway Analysis

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    school girls basketball team in Flagstaff. He told us a story about a time that there was a native American girls on his team that wore buns and the long sticks to hold up their bun. The refery disqualified them and told them they can’t play if they don’t take the sticks holding their bun up down. The whole city of flagstaff ended up hearing about this as well as the rest of America. The coach described the reaction of the nation to be amazing because his team and flagstaff in general never felt more