First Trimester Essay

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During the first trimester most women will find out they are expecting. They may miss thier period and take a test. If the women is pregant she might experience morning sickness or even all day sickness. Morning sickness could last all the way up until the end of the first trimester or even through the whole pregnancy. Some signs a women might experience during the first trimester are bleeding, breast tenderness, constipation, discharge, fatigue, food cravings, frequent urination, heartburn, moodswings, morning sickness, and weight gain. about 25 percent of pregnant women will experience some bleeding during the first trimester. Light spotting may signify that the embroyo is being implanted. Breast tenderness is one of the very early signs of pregnancy. Breast tenderness is caused by hormonal changes within the womens ' body. A women might need to buy a bra in a size or two bigger than her normal size. Constipation during pregnancy is caused by muscle contractions. The contractions that move the food through her body will slow down do to the high levels of progesterone. Women will experience leukorrhea which is discharge women experience early in pregnacy. Since the womens body is working extra
90 percent of men experience at least on of the pregnancy symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms could get severe where the father experinces abdominal pain when the mother is going through labor. Some men may feel like the women is getting more attention the expecting father. The expecting dad may be stressed and worried about life changes, they may eat to feel comfort or just because the mother is eating more. Expecting fathers may not sleep well if the pregnant women is not sleeping well ethier.

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