Fast Writing: A Short Story

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I have no idea how to open this damn thing and every time I think about what to do fast writing comes to mind when fast writing I need to spell out the words in my head and all I can think about is why I spell the words out in my head and not sound them out. Is that normal? Back to interstellar how do I open this thing? What is my thesis? I kind of wish I had watched the movie more recent. Yeah its long but it kept me watching in theaters honestly I don’t remember it being overly visually stunning…looking back I on what little I remember I suppose it seems kind of boring? The big wave was cool the huge space ship dealio at the end was cool. I suppose the ice world wasn’t too bad either. I didn’t like the “ghost” or cooper when he went in to …show more content…

Maybe if it was shorter they wouldn’t have gotten bored while watching it and it wouldn’t have been boring to them. Was it the tech talk that bored them? Who knows…Now I’m back to not remembering a whole lot about the damn movie? Does this fast writing really work? Is it my ADD maybe? Or do I just always think in circles. I do but that’s beside the point. Maybe I think in circles because I don’t ever figure anything out. Or maybe because I don’t write things down so I just go right back to them. But I’m writing them down not, technically typing them and it’s not working. And here we go with the technicalities, always being so critical about technicalities. Man I dislike writing paper writing. It really puts a damper on the whole school and learning experience for me…unbelievably annoying and frustrating. What is a good way to open this paper or start writing about it? I have a lot of questions in my mind, unfortunately not a whole lot of answers…come to think of it I have no answers. When do you use a colon in a sentence? Should that last ellipsis have been a colon? How does the grammar checker on word know I’m asking a questing? It knows that but it can’t put the apostrophe in I’m for

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