FFA Speeches

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I picked up my starting blocks and walked over to the white line along with the seven other girls right beside me. I rubbed the bitter cold from my arms, and took a deep breath. I went to work setting up my blocks, dropping the footholds into the slots that fit my specific measurements. The starter announced that we would have two more minutes to take some practice starts before he would call us to the line. I got down in my blocks, rose up, and finally sprang out of them, just as well as I had been doing in practice the day before. I could not have been more ready for my eighth grade Mid-Southern Conference track meet. Those few more seconds passed, and the starter called us all to the line. He then placed us in our assigned lanes, and we …show more content…

Not only did I hold the office of Chapter Reporter my sophomore year of high school, but I was also elected Vice President the following year. Furthermore, I have been given the tremendous honor of serving as the Chapter President this year, and was selected to serve as a District XI Executive Committee member. Through these roles, I have had the chance to meet people from all over the state of Indiana, and even from across the nation; two of my closest friends live hundreds of miles away in two different states, one being in Missouri and the other in Oregon! In addition to all of this, I was also able to visit Washington, D.C. for the first time in my life, while attending a nationwide leadership conference with hundreds of members from across the United States. Not only have I developed myself as a person and leader in my home and community, but I have also pinpointed what it is that I want to do for the rest of my life. Although I would love to just be an FFA member for the rest of my life, I know that this is not possible, so I have decided on the next best option. I plan to study Agricultural Education while enrolled in college in order to become an Agriculture Teacher and FFA Advisor. By doing this, I hope to leave a mark on my students and instill a passion for FFA within them, just as my Advisor did for

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