FFA Accomplishment Essay

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My most significant accomplishment would be placing second in the United States of America National FFA Agriscience Fair. Building up to this accomplishment was a challenge I never imagined to take on. It began with my FFA Chapter Agriscience Fair. I had decided against competing, but my adviser suggested I try. Pulling together a project, I placed second. This meant I would not compete at the state level. My adviser urged me to perform another project, under a new category, promising to take me to state. I worked hard and created a project in a week. Surprised, but true to his word, my adviser entered me into the State FFA Agriscience Fair. Upon my interview, I was nervous. I was shy and out of my comfort zone, but I gave my best effort. I …show more content…

On stage, I anticipated third place, but was once again stunned when I placed second. This whole experience was life changing. Working for the National FFA Convention, I developed a work ethic to stick to something, and to do my best, even if it seems impossible. I also gained communication skills, and the ability to work outside my comfort zone. Even now it is hard for me to interact with others, but this accomplishment taught me that I can do hard things and I can communicate effectively. I learned how to perform research and express my findings. This experience was also very valuable for it directed me to my career path. It opened up doors as to my abilities, and gave me the confidence to pursue my dreams without fear. It taught me that failures happen, but enduring effort will turn failure into success. In my interviews, I learned that complete honesty is far better than false cover-ups. I became the person I am now because I was blessed with the experience. This project for some may be seen as a great award, but for me it's an invaluable occurrence which had more life skills and experience than a piece of paper can ever

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