Personal Narrative: My Journey To The FFA Team

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It was that time of year when school started up again for all the students. I felt like my sophomore year had great opportunities to come. When the middle of September came my AG teacher came up to me and asked if I would like to participate with the national poultry judging team in Indianapolis in October since they lost a member to the team. My first thought was no I do not even like poultry, but then he gave me a couple of days to think about it. I eventually got back with him and accepted the offer later that week. I went to the meeting that were held every Tuesday and Thursday each week until the day of competition. The team consisted of four people, Julia Orshoski, who placed first in the state of Ohio and was the president of the Margaretta FFA chapter. Also, Josh Miller, who placed tenth in the state of Ohio and was involved in poultry judging for two years. Finally, Paul Fox, who has been involved since his freshman year and Benjamin Longenecker who placed fourth in state. He moved to college in southern Ohio which led to him leaving the team. The four of them ended up placed first in Ohio leading them to nationals. …show more content…

When the second day of the trip finally came it was what I have been waiting for. All the hard work I put in for the past two months was now here and it would be my first and last competition ever for judging poultry for FFA. The four of us woke up at six o’clock in the morning to arrive at the Indianapolis fairgrounds by 7:30a.m. When we eventually arrived at the poultry barn we sat down at a table marked for Ohio. I was amazed to see all the other poultry teams there. We shortly after were handed out clipboards, pencils, and numbers which designated us to a group, I was number 4. The competition started off with a group activity where we could use teammates to help solve these

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