Exploring My Explanatory Style: A Self-Analysis

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On the “What is your Explanatory Style” quiz I scored a three on the bad event category and a three on the good event category. My results show that I have an average level of pessimism about negative and average level of optimism about positive events but what does this all mean for me? My average score on the bad events category shows that there is room for improvement when I am faced with a difficult event or person. It is very important for me to become more of a glass half full person because of the many benefits. People who are more pessimistic are healthier, have longer life spans, are more successful in their careers, and have stronger immune systems. I believe that the reason I did not score higher on the quiz fall within Seligmans’ …show more content…

With every difficult or discouraging event in my life I have two choices. I can either become discouraged and blame myself or I choose to rise up and realize that every difficulty faced is only temporary. God is the creator of it all and nothing happens to us that surprises Him. With this understanding, I have to accept that God would not allow me to face a difficulty that He could not get me through. My results on the “Testing Your Hardiness Factor” assessment was not what I expected. I scored a negative two. This quick assessment showed that I really can benefit from the information I have learned from Chapter two and three. I am anxious to practice what I have learned and to see if my stress level lower.
One area that I need to work on is my ideal of perfectionism for myself. On the “Am I a Perfectionist” assessment, I scored a 94. I have always been my worst critic and I have a hard time accepting anything less than the best that I can do. I have always felt that this was one of my best qualities but I now realize that while it may seem beneficial now, I am doing more harm to myself. I also do not know how to take constructive criticism without becoming defensive. I excel at work and at home but I always feel like there is so much more I can be doing. I have a hard time relaxing until everything on my every growing to-do-list in complete and complete to

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