From Preface To God's Determination Analysis

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In the poem “from Preface to God’s Determination” basically says God does everything. He says “who” multiple times referring to God. In line nineteen he says “Who? who did this? or who is he? Why, know” then in line twenty he says “It’s only Might Almighty this did do” stating that God did all that and you can do anything through him. In line sixteen he says “To go at once both down, and up to get.” meaning no matter how low or down you get there is always God there to pick you back up. You always have someone behind you. You always have a friend even if you think you do not have any, you do. You always have someone to make you smile when you are at your worst. When you think you have hit rock bottom you have someone to talk to, and lastly you will always have someone that loves you. Do you know that all the struggles you have in life are there for a reason? Do you know that when you think you cannot go on anymore there is God there to pick you up? Be thankful for the struggles you go through because they make you wiser, stronger, and more humble as a person. When you think why me, why did I have to get this? No matter how low you are there is always someone there who can pick you back up on your …show more content…

Some people would argue that God is not real or that none of these events are real and they just happen, no one makes them happen. There is also a lot of rhyming in this people for example in line five, the word “vast” rhymes with the word “cast” in line six. Also in line eleven the word “locks” rhymes with “Box”. It also repeats the word “who” twelve times, and uses the “w” sound twenty five times words such as “who, where, with, which, work, wherein, what” Another rhyme in the poem is “sun” and “spun”, “stands” and “hands”, “fine” and “Smaragdine”. The poem also uses a lot of inversion, one example would be “Upon what Base was fixed the Lathe, wherein” line

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