Explanation Of 'The Guy Code' By Kimmel

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1. The Guy Code is a set of unspoken rules that all men are aware of. Men take these rules into account subconsciously with every action they take. The Guy Code dictations how men should act, how they should speak, what they should wear, etc. I without a doubt believe it actually exists. Because most men truly do behave by this set of made up rules and they are very predictable as a result.

2. Language is a powerful tool when it comes to maintaining the Guy Code. It is how men teach each other what it means to be a man. This is evident in the list of ten phrases considered defining traits of being a man. Kimmel says that “all these aphorisms involve never showing emotions or admitting weakness.” If a man is able to measure up to all of these traits, then his manhood is safe and others will see that.

3. If a man violates the Guy Code he would be considered unmanly and possibly even gay. Other men might assume that he wasn’t as manly as them and they would question his authority. The violator would be considered weak and possess undesirable traits. …show more content…

Kimmel implies that the Guy Code has been created. He states that “if it were biological, it would be as natural as breathing or blinking.” Which clearly it isn’t, because every man has to consciously consider his actions and words. Kimmel makes a compelling statement, claiming “the Guy Code fits as comfortably as a straightjacket.” I think this line really captures his point and reveals the truth that the Guy Code is unnatural. This question is important because if something has been created, that means it can be altered. The Guy Code only seems biological hard-wired because it has been resistant to change for so

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